A Lady Named Lisandra

Chloe Sherrill-Howell / V Mag at UVA

Apparently there is this girl, 

and apparently she dances better 

with a cigarette between her lips. 

Some say she’s a smokeshow, 

but that comment  is characteristic 

of a faulty comedic sense. 

She usually never lights it.

Twice she has dropped it 

— so I’ve heard — 

and only then did she 

drag smoke through the air. 

She, supposedly, would rather 

Use her product dirtied. 

Her last husband — as far as I know — was a tax collector, 

though he spent more time gathering feathers 

from between his tarred folds than he did 

dirtying his palms with nickel.

She was a hassle and so handled herself accordingly. 

On the days she felt like changing careers, 

there was unfortunately already a cigarette between her lips.


White Line Fever


Broken Hourglass